Monday, January 18, 2010


here are a bunch of examples of pictures I took when I went to the beach. I really like the colors and the reflections across the sand and the water. People should help me decide which one to paint. Otayyy let me know what you think :] :]

Monday, January 11, 2010

Concentration/Portfolio Day/Scholastic/Whistling Season

For my concentration I am working on reflections, and I am also doing the Whistling Season thing too, so I am gonna try to make it work together haha. I am thinking I am going to do a painting of swans and their like fluttering wings in a lake, and try to have a reflection of that! I was thinking of painting the actual swans and collaging the reflection..I dunno, we will see what happens.

I went to the portfolio day thing. I saw three colleges, Corcoran or something? In Washington D.C., that lady was my favorite, she gave me great feedback which made me happy haha. Then I saw the San Fran Art Institute because my mom made me, because I might be attending USF next year and she is jacked that it was close by. That lady gave me lots of helpful artists to look at and a book to buy which was nice. The third college I looked at was the Pratt one, and the ladies there were not very impressed with my scholastic portfolio haha, they wanted me to have more self portraits, and they kept talking about ellipses...and drawing brocholli in the fridge...I really dont know what they were talking about. But I think they thought my little portfolio thing was me trying to apply to their school, so it was confusing. But overall it was a great experience.

I am looking forward to the Scholastic Reception, my mommy and grandparents are going, and they are so excited haha.